In an ambitious effort to counteract the growing issue of depopulation in rural Mediterranean areas, YERAME has recently completed a pivotal activity in its piloting phase. This initiative is part of a broader project aimed at revitalizing Euro-Mediterranean rural areas by equipping young people with entrepreneurial skills, thereby fostering economic development and community sustainability. The latest milestone achieved includes the development and execution of a comprehensive Youth Rural Entrepreneurship training program, which promises to be a game-changer for these regions.

Highlights of the Pilot Training Program

  1. EntreTOT: Training of Trainers on EntreComp Framework

The pilot phase kicked off with the EntreTOT program, a specialized training for youth workers and job counselors based on the EntreComp framework. This framework, designed by the European Commission, is a comprehensive guide for developing entrepreneurship as a competence. Over the course of several intensive sessions, 12 dedicated youth workers and job counselors were trained, equipped with the tools and knowledge to effectively mentor and guide young entrepreneurs in their communities. This training not only enhanced their own skills but also prepared them to facilitate future training sessions for aspiring entrepreneurs.

  1. Youth Rural Entrepreneurship Training Course

Building on the success of the EntreTOT program, the Youth Rural Entrepreneurship Training Course was developed and piloted. This course brought together 60 potential youth entrepreneurs from various rural areas in the Mediterranean region. The curriculum was designed to be practical and engaging, covering essential topics such as business planning, financial management, marketing strategies, and sustainable practices. Participants had the opportunity to work on real-life business scenarios, develop their own business ideas, and receive feedback from experienced trainers. The pilot course not only imparted valuable knowledge but also created a vibrant community of young entrepreneurs eager to make a positive impact in their regions.

  1. Virtual Exchange Sessions

In an effort to enhance learning and foster a sense of community, the pilot phase also included virtual exchange sessions. These sessions allowed participants to connect with peers from different regions, share experiences, and learn from each other’s successes and challenges. The virtual format provided a flexible and accessible platform for continuous learning and networking, crucial for young entrepreneurs in remote areas.

Looking Ahead: Mentoring Sessions for Young Entrepreneurs

As YERAME moves into its next phase, the focus will shift towards providing ongoing support through mentoring sessions for the young entrepreneurs who have completed the training program. These mentoring sessions will be tailored to address the specific needs and challenges faced by each entrepreneur, offering personalized guidance and expertise. Mentors will include seasoned business professionals, successful entrepreneurs, and industry experts who can provide invaluable insights and support.

The mentoring phase aims to ensure that the entrepreneurial ventures initiated during the training phase are sustainable and scalable. By offering continuous support, YERAME seeks to build a robust ecosystem where young entrepreneurs can thrive, thereby contributing to the economic revitalization and social cohesion of rural Mediterranean areas.

Join the Movement

YERAME’s initiative represents a beacon of hope for many rural communities facing the threat of depopulation. By empowering the youth with entrepreneurial skills and providing ongoing support, YERAME is not only fostering economic growth but also helping to build vibrant, sustainable communities.

We invite all stakeholders, including local organizations, businesses, and policymakers, to support this noble cause. Together, we can create a future where rural areas in the Mediterranean are bustling with innovative enterprises and thriving populations.