On 24 and 25 October 2023, the Yerame partnership met face-to-face in Madrid to share the results achieved so far and agree on the next steps for the implementation of the next activities. Hosted by partner DEFOIN, the meeting offered the opportunity for the partners to meet face-to-face for the first time, since the project’s first launch meeting was held online on 10 February.

The meeting in Madrid also coincided with the end of a first phase of the project that produced two reports, one on a Mapping of good practices in rural youth entrepreneurship in the six project countries (Greece, Spain, Italy, Tunisia, Palestine and Egypt) and another on the experiences of rural youth entrepreneurs, all available in English, Greek, Spanish, Italian and Arabic on the project website.

In Madrid, the partners were able to review the work done so far and discuss how to proceed with the work to come. The partnership will now develop contents for a training pilot for young people 18-30 who would like to start a rural entrepreneurial activity in their area, to be followed by a mentoring activity and a contest in which the most innovative business idea will be the winner during next summer. 

To download YERAME’s Reports and to know more about YERAME’s results and info, please visit the social pages.